Monday, February 9, 2009

Victorian bushfires

The news has been absolutely inundated with stories of survival, and of sadness. There are so many ways you can support the survivors of this devastation, so please, even if it's just one thing, check out some of these links to see how you can help... - the Australian Red Cross Blood Service's website. Book a bunk and donate blood. It doesn't even take an hour out of your day, it costs nothing and it can save so many lives. I donate blood every three months. - St Vincent de Paul Society of Australia's website. Find out about donating clothes, food and money. - Channel 7's breakfast program's website. Heaps and heaps of information about donating clothes, money, accommodation and breaking news about the fires - Victorian Country Fire Authority's website. The site is regularly updated. Apparently it's crashed several times, so they've asked if we can only check this site out if you need immediate information that isn't available on news websites - The Salvation Army's website. Another website that you can use to find out about donations

1800 727 077 - If you're concerned about friends or family, or if you want friends or family to know you're okay, give the Red Cross a call

1800 240 667 - The Victorian Bushfire Hotline will give you information about status of towns affected by the fires and information like school closures

180 22 11 - People affected by the bushfires are entitled to government assistance, so give them a call

If you want to make a cash donation, there are a couple of options. National Australia Bank is taking donations. You can call 1800 811 700, or make a direct transfer from your bank account to: NAB account BSB 082001 a/c 860046797

The other option is Bendigo Bank. Call 1300 366 666 or check out the website Or you can call 137 258 (menu option 2)

If you're a firefighter, you're desperately needed. Contact your local fire station or the Rural Fire Brigade to find out how you can help.

As of an hour or so ago, 131 people have been confirmed perished in the fires. The disaster is being reported around the world, and thank you to my friends overseas who have contacted me to make sure my family and I are okay. We're absolutely fine and in Queensland, quite a distance from the fires. It is now officially Australia's worst buhfires in history, surpassing 1983's Ash Wednesday fires.

Please, please, please... Australia, do anything and everything you can to help.


So far over $10 million has been raised. Coles (a grocery store in Australia) will also be donating Friday's profits to the Bushfire Appeal. Apparently there is more than enough clothing, etc. The best way to help now is to donate money. And of course, the Red Cross will always welcome more blood donors. Keep going, Australia!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just a little rant...

You know, it really bug me when people tell me huge lies. I understand little white ones. Everyone does that at some point in their lives. "Oh, no, that shirt looks great!" or, "I'm putting that cheque in the mail right now." But big ones, uh-uh. And when your lies then implicate a completely innocent party... a party that doesn't even know they're involved... grrr... I feel desperately sorry for this innocent party. They've just made a huge decision and have absolutely no idea what it could mean for them down the track.

PS. A change is as good as a holiday, apparently,hence the new layout...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Well, didn’t I have an interesting Sunday morning!

I went to a friend’s birthday party. Much alcohol was consumed, much singing and dancing went on, and everyone had a great time. I retired to the Hilton (ie tent in the back yard) a bit after 3am. It’s hideously hot here, so I had the windows open and just the screen zipped closed. And it was a good thing...

A bit after 5am, I heard someone calling my name. I sat up to work out what was going on, when I saw my friend in a heap on the ground. Nearly slipping over and breaking my leg, I ran over to find her curled up in the fetal position on the grass. I woke up another friend to help me, and together we got her inside. To cut a long story short, a trip to hospital in the ambulance was ordered, and she is now recovering comfortably at home. Still not sure what happened, but as is usually the case in the Emergency Room, they treat the symptoms, and it’s up to your GP to treat the cause.

Me, I’m now on antihistamines for the horrific mosquito bites I suffered that morning! My feet, hands and arms are particularly bad, but even my legs were bitten through my jeans! Another friend told me her husband has just been diagnosed with Ross River fever, so I’ll have to take care of myself to make sure I don’t end up with it too!